GoodBye Party / Last Family Day

Yesterday we had a very successful Goodbye Party on the Lyndhurst Campus.  We supplied to core elements of a traditional American Thanksgiving meal and each Host Family supplied a side dish that is common in their family.

We explain (or tried to…) that because of the broad range of ethnic and religious traditions in Cleveland, Thanksgiving is among the more consistent family holidays in America.  Most families get together for a Thanksgiving meal together.

Since our guests have become more like family – we hosted a traditional Thanksgiving meal: Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, and Stuffing with abroad array of amazing side dishes.  Our host families brought Creamed Spinach, Sweet Potato Casserole, Macaroni and Cheese, Cous Cous Salad, Fresh Shrimp, and of course desserts.  We had pumpkin pie, apple pie, chocolate cake, and a magnificent hand-made cheese cake!

It was quite a spread 🙂

At the Goodbye Party, kids also got to un-mold their chocolate bars from earlier in the week.  We encouraged kids to wrap them up and bring them home – but I think a few have been eaten already.


We also played a few games before our meal together – A Paper Airplane competition and a game called KnockOut.  Owen enjoyed the airplane folding and he taught several of us how to fold a championship distance plane…


Our new friends from Japan had also brought games to try.  Using cut-out pieces of paper, we were challenged to assemble a face while blindfolded.



After games, we gathered in the cafeteria for our Thanksgiving meal.  Everyone made a plate and sat down to eat.  We shared some “Thank You” messages to Mr. Takatani and Mrs. Okumine for being chaperones for this trip.

We were also able to share a Slideshow using all of the photos that Host Families have shared throughout the visit.  Right before everyone left, we handed out a matted photo from our visit to the Script Cleveland sign (earlier in the week) and gave time for everyone to sign them.  It was a really nice way to end our last whole group activity.

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Tomorrow is the last Family Day activities.  I will share photos as I get them 🙂




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